“Evelyn” is a woman who appears in the movie with her spouse.
They had recently moved to America and opened a laundry business, but after a while, things did not proceed as planned, so the bank called them for accounting services.
In actuality, “Evelyn” borrowed money from the bank to grow her firm, but the bank was going to take over their operations since she was not receiving any profits from the venture.
The bank wanted them to be able to make money from their business and return the loan; otherwise, the bank would not take over their task, which is why they were asked to conduct the entire inquiry.
We now meet “Evelyn’s” daughter, who was very close to a girl but whom “Evelyn” didn’t like.
Her daughter meeting her buddy did not sit well with her.
Then, an elderly man who is truly “Evelyn’s” father visits their home.
He ended Evelyn’s relationship after her marriage since he did not find happiness in that union.
After bitter years, he has finally come to see his daughter, Evelyn.
”Evelyn” beams at the sight of him and instructs her daughter not to tell your grandfather, my dad, that you two are so close.
If I don’t, he’ll be upset with me once more.
Subsequently, we witness “Evelyn,” her spouse, and her father heading to the bank. Suddenly, “Waymond,” “Evelyn’s” husband, is approached by someone else.
He claims that “Evelyn’s” life is in jeopardy, covers the elevator camera, and inserts a device into her ear.
Because of the gadget, Evelyn starts to view her prior life, including her upbringing, her young marriage, and her father’s resentment of her marriage.
She then sees her daughter as well.
As she awakens from her reverie, her husband, “Waymond,” hands her some significant documents and warns her that she will forget everything since he will leave her after a while.
Saying this, he returns to his true state, so don’t ask me later why I handed you this paper.
Now, when the three are in front of the bank officer, “Evelyn’s” focus is on the significance of the information on the paper rather than the words of the officer.
“Waymond” gave this to her some time ago.
She then arrives near the generator’s cabinet while continuing to read the writing on the paper.
This is all happening as a result of the device in her ear. She discovers another “Waymond” in this cupboard, who claims that she has been to another globe and is the “Waymond” from that universe.
I need to share with you something.
Yes, in fact, there are a lot more worlds outside our own.
I have traveled to every world and have encountered every “Evelyn,” but I have some unfavorable news.
I want to make you the most powerful person possible because you are the only one who can defeat the evil force that has killed many “Evelyns,” and she is coming to kill you too.
”Evelyn” is seen in the meantime speaking to ”Waymond” in the cupboard and in front of the officer, although she has not gone there herself.
It indicates that two “Evelyns” were present in two locations at the same time.
After the other “Waymond” is killed by the other world’s police in the cupboard, “Evelyn” finds herself facing the officer while she is attacking her.
Following that, as they were leaving the bank, “Evelyn” began to fear that the cop was going to murder her.
The guards arrive as she punches her in the face and knocks her to the ground.
Then, “Waymond” from the other world resurfaces in his consciousness, and as a result, he is endowed with an odd power.
He begins killing the guards by attacking them.
He removes ”Evelyn” from there after killing everyone, and she begs him to disclose the truth.
He informs her that there are various versions of ourselves in every universe outside of this one.
implies that while some individuals are happy, some are not, some are wealthy, some are impoverished, and some are strong, while others are weak.
The world I’m from is called “Alpha,” and “Evelyn” in our world refers to “Alpha Evelyn,” who has discovered a mechanism to travel to other parts of the globe.
She has discovered a method that allows anyone to travel to the other world, enter the form’s thoughts, and get his abilities as well.
It implies that a human may only physically enter his own head and not physically travel to another world.
This is the reason why this “Waymond” does not recall anything once “Alpha Waymond” departs his consciousness.
Additionally, he claims that “Alpha Evelyn” turned into a malevolent force after testing on someone and failing.
He is drawing a conclusion on “Evelyn”‘s existence in multiple parallel universes.
In the meantime, we witness the cop putting an end to another “Evelyn” and the same terrible power that encompassed the officer herself.
They were merely conversing when the police showed up and attacked “Alpha Waymond,” hurting him in the process. He then teamed up with the formidable “Evelyn” from the other world and instructed her to vanquish the officer.
She puts in a lot of work, yet she is unsuccessful.
When “Alpha Waymond” concludes that “Evelyn” in this universe is not exceptional, he instantly departs from “Waymond’s” thoughts.
“Waymond,” who had just regained consciousness, was baffled as to why the police wanted to put an end to us.
But ”Evelyn” takes her husband and departs without noticing this.
Then, when “Evelyn” makes one more attempt, the cop leaps off the steps and attacks her.
This time, she establishes a connection with a reality in which “Evelyn” is a skilled Kung Fu practitioner and a well-known actress.
For this reason, she utilizes her Kung Fu skills to overcome the officer by using “Evelyn’s” power.
When Waymond sees this, “Alpha Waymond” remembers it.
Then he informs Evelyn that since the officer was her companion and you had vanquished him, the evil force must now come here to murder you.
With this, the evil power has made it possible for her to go anywhere on the globe.
She didn’t require any gadgets.
Then we learn that the evil force is none other than “Evelyn’s” daughter, who is arriving on this planet as “Evelyn’s” daughter in order to bring “Evelyn” to an end.
Evelyn is then taken into custody by some police officers since she injured an officer in the past with a Kung Fu technique.
The evil force that assaults and kills police officers is symbolized by “Evelyn’s” daughter coming here before she takes “Evelyn” with her. She then goes to “Evelyn” to kill her, but instead she makes a connection with the Kung Fu “Evelyn,” joins the rest of the universe, and discovers that everyone has canine-like digits.
”Evelyn” is a close friend of that officer in this universe before returning to her own, where her daughter shows her mother ”Evelyn” a world she created.
She created a black path in this realm so she and her mother could travel there and put an end to their grief.
In actuality, her daughter traveled the world and witnessed her life; from this, she learned that she is unhappy everywhere, which is why she was searching for “Evelyn,” who shares her sadness.
Her life shouldn’t be perfect because only “Evelyn” herself can comprehend her daughter’s suffering.
Evelyn’s Alpha father then shows up to take her away while defending her from the evil force.
Following that, we witnessed them in a room until Evelyn’s daughter returned to her true self.
To prevent the evil force from returning to her thoughts, her mother binds her up with tape for this reason.
Now that “Evelyn’s” alpha father has learned that “Evelyn’s” daughter possesses the evil power, he asks “Evelyn” to kill her, but she is unable to do so.
”Evelyn’s” father pulls a gun to kill her, but ”Evelyn” dodges the weapon.
When he notices this, the dominant father asks his pals around.
”Evelyn” is attacked as they approach.
She battles them with the kungfu “Evelyn” skills once more, but it is insufficient to stop them.
For this reason, she imparts valuable knowledge to them by using the abilities of “Evelyn” from many realms.
Then “Waymond,” the alpha, appears and informs “Evelyn” that she is the only one who can defeat that malevolent force.
The true “Waymond” loses touch with the alpha “Waymond” as a result of the evil power ending the alpha “Waymond.”
As ”Evelyn” approaches to compete with her, her alpha daughter arrives, and her mind connects to ”Evelyn” from the other world.
Because of that, “Evelyn” and her daughter battle in one of these realms, and they also fight in other worlds.
During this argument, “Evelyn’s” daughter appears on the black road and tells her that she doesn’t want to stop the relationship. All of the “Evelyns” that I ended up with were happy, but you seem depressed like me. I want you to move in under the black shadow and leave this depressing life behind you forever.
Evelyn was already depressed, and these things only made her feel worse, so she begins to walk in the direction of that black road.
Now that she was linked to Evelyn’s other realms, “Evelyns” began to harm and disappoint other people.
Someone was shattering things, while someone else was shattering relationships.
Evelyn, the world’s Evelyn, divulges her partner’s secret.
The party’s “Waymond” then requests an extension from the officer so they can continue operating their business and reap the rewards.
The policeman then nods and gives them a little more time.
When Evelyn saw this, she was a little relieved as well as shocked.
She exhibited bravery, and as a result, all of the “Evelyns” who were related to the genuine “Evelyn” began acting honorably.
Just as “Evelyn,” who ended the relationship, made amends with everyone, so do the other “Evelyns,” who have made mistakes in life, and they treat every relationship with great care.
The “Evelyn” of our reality then appears, with her daughter putting the black road in front of her.
”Evelyn’s” kid is moving in that black route as well, drawing her in.
”Evelyn” makes numerous attempts to save her, but her friends interrupt her.
On it, she begins to grant all of their wants rather than arguing with them.
She had great strength because of her connection to the actual “Evelyn,” and at last, she intervened to stop her daughter from choosing the dark route.
Evelyn’s daughter now says, “Mama, leave me and let me go on this black road if you want to see me happy.”
Evelyn agrees to it and abandons her daughter, who travels down that dark road.
With this, we now see “Evelyn” in the world where the celebration was taking place, together with her kid.
”Evelyn” helps her comprehend that I am your mother and I care about your happiness. I am not your enemy. I want the best for you, my daughter.
Now that she knows this, she goes to “Evelyn” and extends her apology.
It is the reason why the wicked power’s black world and black road have come to an end.
The entire family is then seen together, including “Evelyn’s” daughter, who had returned home before entering the black realm following her mother’s reconciliation.
Together, they are all really happy, and “Evelyn” embraced her daughter’s friend as well.
Their business begins to prosper at the same moment since “Evelyn” is focusing on it rather than other distractions.
Because of this, the bank does not assume control over their operations, and we witness them there in front of the officer.
They are commended for the excellent way they are managing their company.
For the first time, we see “Evelyn” looking so joyful here.
This concludes the film with her smile.